The company «GS Ferro Commodities Trade GmbH» is constantly expanding its market presence and the geography of supply, which indicates an increase in the number of clients from around the world, trusting service and reliability of the company «GS Ferro Commodities Trade GmbH». We work for you!
The company «GS Ferro Commodities Trade GmbH» is constantly expanding its market presence and the geography of supply, which indicates an increase in the number of clients from around the world, trusting service and reliability of the company «GS Ferro Commodities Trade GmbH». We work for you!


«GS Ferro Commodities Trade GmbH» is stable and rapidly growing company with general office in Austria, Vienna, and a representative office in Switzerland ...



  • Continuous Casting and Hot-Rolled Square Billets
  • Rebars
  • Wire rods



  • OJSC “Electrostal” Kurakhovo”
  • PJSC “Dneprovsky Integrated Iron&Steel Works named after Dzershinsky”
  • LTD “Novorosmetall”
